Compassion Heals Movement

"Compassion is the wish to see others free from suffering"

-Dalai Lama-

Join the Compassion Heals Movement with WellTyme and Lee Tomlinson

Empowering Compassion, Transforming Healthcare

We are thrilled to announce WellTyme’s partnership with Lee Tomlinson and the Compassion Heals Movement. Together, we are on a mission to address the critical crisis of vanishing compassion in healthcare and beyond.

Enhanced Patient Outcomes

Institutions that foster an environment of compassion see improved patient satisfaction and outcomes, as compassion is a key component of effective care.

Reducing Burnout for Healthcare Professionals

Recognizing that caring for oneself ("Self-Compassion") is just as crucial as caring for others, the movement emphasizes self-compassion among healthcare professionals as essential for preventing burnout and maintaining the capacity to offer compassion.

Organizational Well-being

Embracing the principles of compassion contributes to a more supportive workplace culture, reducing staff turnover and enhancing overall productivity (i.e. Improving the "bottom line").

Introducing "Patient Lee" Tomlinson

Keynote Speaker/Founder of The Compassion Heals Movement

The life mission of “Patient Lee” is to inspire healthcare professionals to return the rapidly disappearing presence of compassionate care to its rightful place at the forefront of modern healthcare – to benefit patients, their families, the bottom line, and perhaps most importantly, their too often burned-out selves.

Finding his mission wasn’t even remotely easy.

Award-winning television producer, movie studio executive / owner / developer, former professional athlete, and TEDx presenter, “Patient Lee” is gratefully alive today due to a lifetime of extraordinary effective medical treatment and deeply kind compassionate care.

Unfortunately, during a recent battle with advanced throat cancer, “Patient Lee” became painfully aware of the agony caused by treatment lacking in compassion that drove him to seriously consider ending his own life. What saved him was a tiny, yet powerful act of compassion delivered by a loving doctor and dear friend.

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About The Compassion Heals Movement

Founded by Lee Tomlinson: Following his own harrowing healthcare experiences, Lee was inspired to initiate a global movement focused on restoring compassion at the heart of all healthcare interactions. A Global Impact: The movement seeks to ignite a worldwide call to action, encouraging healthcare professionals to integrate genuine compassion into every aspect of care.

About "Patient Lee" Tomlinson

A Personal Journey: Lee's personal battle with cancer and subsequent encounters with both profoundly compassionate and dispassionate healthcare professionals catalyzed his commitment to enhancing the role of compassion in healing. Inspiring Change: His story is not just one of survival but also of transformation, influencing countless others to prioritize compassion and kindness in their professional and personal lives.

Welltyme's commitment

Unity in Purpose.

Aligned Missions

Like Lee, WellTyme believes in the power of compassion to not only improve outcomes but to also create more meaningful connections within all healthcare interactions. 

Leveraging Our Capabilities

We are leveraging our extensive network, innovative health solutions, and community-focused initiatives to support and spread the ideals of the Compassion Heals Movement.

A Call to Action

We invite all healthcare professionals, patients, and communities to join us in this vital endeavor!

Why it matters

Self-Compassion and Burnout Remediation

Supporting Healthcare Professionals

Recognizing that caring for oneself (“Self-Compassion”) is just as crucial as caring for others, the movement emphasizes self-compassion among healthcare professionals as essential for preventing burnout and maintaining the capacity to offer compassion.

Tools and Resources​
A young multiracial professional healthcare service worker is standing in a pharmacy

We provide tools and resources that help healthcare professionals practice self-care, manage stress, and rejuvenate their compassion reserves.

Why it matters

Benefits to Healthcare Organizations

Enhanced Patient Care
Asian young nurse supporting elderly patient disabled woman in hospital. Elderly patient care concep
  • Institutions that foster an environment of compassion see improved patient satisfaction.
  • Improved Patient Outcomes: Compassionate care is shown to facilitate faster recoveries, reduced pain, and better overall health for patients.
Organizational Well-being
A young multiracial professional healthcare service worker is standing in a pharmacy
  • A more supportive workplace culture
  • Reducing staff turnover
  • Enhancing overall productivity.
  • Reduces costs related to staff turnover, legal issues, and patient care errors.
  • Decreased Absenteeism.
  • Enhanced Professional Well-being.

How You Can Participate

Explore the principles of the Compassion Heals Movement and Join the Movement!

Become an ambassador of compassion in your own community and help us expand the reach of this important message.

Together, with Lee Tomlinson and supporters like you, we can transform the landscape of healthcare to one that prioritizes compassion above all. Join us in making a difference. Compassion heals, let’s spread it everywhere!